Laying Low.

Funny how Monday never fails to come way too quickly.  I wait all week long to wake up to see “Thursday” on my phone, and with the blink of an eye- there it is- Monday. Well, despite it flying by, this weekend was the perfect blend of relaxing, productive, fun, lazy, and tasty! Friday After […]

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The 11 Golden Gym Rules + Fitness Friday.

There are unspoken rules for everything we do in life- get in the back of the line, don’t sit next to someone on the bus if there are open seats, be courteous of your neighbors and keep your noise down, replace the toilet paper if you use it up, throw out the cereal box if […]

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Nike Training Club.

Heeey! I have 30 minutes to shovel some food into my face before I need to go tutor, but I thought I would pop in and say hi and tell you about Nike Training Club.  It’s an app that is guaranteed to give you a quality workout, and you can do many of the workouts […]

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Happy Snow Day! I’m starting to get worried that we’re going to have extra class days during the summer if this weather continues. Eh, whatever.  It’s nice to have an extra day to cross a lot off of my to-do list since I neglected everything I needed to do this weekend.  Instead, I did a […]

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Fitness Friday

Happy, Happy Friday! I don’t know about anyone else, but this was a looooooong week for me!  I’m happy to see the weekend and excited for the next few days!  I don’t have too much on the agenda, but I’m looking forward to the Super Bowl!  Let’s just say I have a list of 17-yes, […]

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Wordy Weekend.

Howdy! How is Monday treating ya so far?  I’m typing this up on my lunch break and eating the best lasagna (more on that soon).  Mondays are my longest day of the week, which I did intentionally.  I like to get the worst part over with and have smooth sailing from here on out.  At […]

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The Dorm Food Collection

Hi!  I’m typing up this post on the first day of the semester- which also happens to be the first day of the semester!  I think we’re off to a good start 🙂 So last semester I wrote about the different snacks and meals that I keep stored in my dorm room.  I’ve been living […]

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Pizza and Pretzels

Hi there! It’s been so long since I’ve been on here!  I had a lot to do after spending two days in bed- lots of odds and ends to finish before I left for school on Thursday evening.  This winter break fleeeew by.  I spent a lot of days with Russ, or experimenting in the […]

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