Still Here

I won’t say it….I won’t say that I can’t believe it’s been so long since my last post and I never intended for that to happen. I won’t say that life has been busy and time just passes quickly. I won’t say it because I say that in every post so it would seem that the exception is becoming the rule…

got a haircut, like an adult
looks like a real bakery

So much has happened since I have been here. A lot of work yes, but also a lot of not work. I am working significantly less than I have in the last two years and work finally feels…healthy. I haven’t had any work nightmares in awhile (except one where I had a dream that we had to make 5 rounds of dough (375 bagels) and I was all anxious about it so after a night out with Luis’ friends, they were at our house and they were going to help us make the dough and since we son’t have any professional work tables at home, they were trying to roll bagels on the ironing board and it kept falling over and I was so stressed about it, but no one else was).

I still work full days (8+ hours per day, 6-7 days per week), but it doesn’t feel so draining. We finally have an amazing, hard-working team. A team that truly cares about Mazál and a team that also feels like a little work family and I feel very grateful for that.

We are heading straight into busy season (Pie Season!!) and I think it will be intense, but it will be good hopefully. I have also been making a big effort to be more…me… than I have been for the last two years. Dad, much to your delight…I worked out last week (went for a 45 minute run!) and today I did a little 15 minute body weight workout. I have been walking home from work most days (which was very much unheard of for a long time, but I used to love to walk). I have been cooking a tiny bit (seriously, just a tiny bit)- I made a crockpot chicken squash curry that we ate for days. I have been eating more vegetables and less eggs and potatoes, but still lots of eggs and potatoes. And most importantly, I have been having fun. Both at work and outside of work. I have this great group of friends that have become a family here. I don’t think I have ever experienced this type of closeness with any group of friends and never really understood what people meant when they said that they had a close group of friends “like family”. Finally I have that and it’s pretty great.

a pretty sky
challah success
one time I wasn’t wearing jeans and a tshirt and looking terrible. just once though.
a greattttt night
wedding szn
same dress, 4 years later.

It’s Sunday night, but tomorrow we will be open, so I will work. Actually, we won’t close any day this week but Wednesday I will be “off”…let’s see how that goes! In the meantime, I am off to go buy a new agenda. I haven’t had an agenda in a couple years (I sort of went into survival mode and just took it day by day) but like I said…trying to get back to Me.

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