
Today is my day “off”, but with so much happening at work, it feels like anything but a day off. I have a few minutes right now to pop in and say hi, but then I will be off again with lots of things to do.

It’s insane that it is the end of JUNE, just about to be July- dead smack in the middle of summer. The summer solstice already passed last week…it always makes me a bit sad when the summer solstice happens because it means the summer days are getting shorter and shorter (which is absolutely ridiculous…it gets dark well after 9:30 pm here…basically after 10pm). The other night I took a nap around 7pm (when it was full daylight) and woke up 12 hours later at 7am to full daylight. Things have just been exhausting lately!

Despite all the craziness that seems to be happening, I am still trying to enjoy summer…late nights with friends on terraces, planning beach trips, buying popsicles, summer dresses, beers after work. The only things that would make my summer life better would be 1. a swimming pool and 2. a seltzer machine 😉 Luis and I are planning to head to the beach for the first week on August, and then I will be going home for 2 weeks where I plan to sit in the babypool and let my Mom fatten me up.

We will be open for another month, then we close for 3 weeks and then hit the ground running yet again. This month is definitely going to be crazy and exhausting at work- we have had a lot of employees leave due to vacation or other so now we are scrambling to find help and in the meantime, I have been working insanely long hours. The only day I really get to rest is Monday, when the baby is sound asleep and there is less to worry about.

Alright, I have to get going…here is the plan for today:

9-10:30 hang around the house and talk to you lovely people while new cleaning lady cleans the house

10:30-11:00 interview with new employee candidate #1

11:00-11:30 interview with new employee candidate #2

12:00-12:30 interview with new employee candidate #3

12:30-1:00 interview with new employee candidate #4

1:00-3:00 go see new places for possible new openings

3:00-5:00 i would like to do a little shopping because I suddenly have NOTHING TO WEAR!

5:00 watch tv and relax because this is my day off, afterall 😉


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