Sunday with Popovich Pet Comedy Theater

Any good weekend is a balanced combination of relaxing, fun, and a little wild.  My weekend was two of the three of those adjectives, and by only recapping my Sunday, you can probably gather which two it was 🙂

Yesterday was a bit different than regular Sundays because instead of hanging out on the couch or doing homework, my family (and Russ) and I went to see a show at a local theater.  Of course, it started how my favorite weekends (or any day) start- with a mug of oatmeal, banana, almond milk and this particular bowl had Kashi Go Lean on top.


A few months ago, my dad asked if I would be interested in seeing a show with rescue animals and comedy- of course I said yes! We got tickets for the 3:00 show to see Popovich Comedy Pet Theater Show.IMG_2954,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42553238,d.dmg&biw=1366&bih=664&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&

The show was a mix of acrobatics, comedy and tricks with dogs, cats, birds and even RATS!  I honestly have no idea how they train cats and dogs (and rats) to do some of the things they did, but I’m thinking of trying them on Toby and Misu.


Greg Popovich said that he often gets asked how to train a cat and he said he just looks for the natural tendencies like jumping and climbing and then builds off of that…You know, since most dogs and cats have a natural tendency to ride on each others backs and stand upside-down!  The really neat thing about the show is that almost all of the animals have been adopted from animal shelters.  At least they get a second chance at life, and not just any life-a life in the show biz!  🙂  We all agreed that we would give the show somewhere between a 7 and an 8 out of 10 if we were to rate it.  It would be a great show for kids, but it was also a lot of fun for us, as well.  We have been to a comedy pet show in the past, and remember that one having more animals and less people, which was something we were hoping for in this one.

The rest of the day was spent doing things that I’m deprived of at school, such as food shopping!  I had the intent of stopping by the store to purchase almonds for almond butter.  That short in-and-out trip turned into a big shopping trip and we were there for quite awhile. That always seems to happen!

I did, however, get my chance to make a big batch of almond butter.  I love that I can just throw the nuts into the food processor, turn it on and walk away for a couple of minutes and then there is almond butter! IMG_2956IMG_2959IMG_2961IMG_2967

Lesson learned-don’t cheat and buy bagged almonds because they’re a little less expensive.  I can DEFINITELY taste a difference in this batch compared to last week’s where I used fresh almonds.  It makes a huge difference, but I’m not too worried-it will get eaten 🙂

Lastly, and probably the best part about the day, was getting to eat a delicious meal with my favorite people.IMG_2969(1)

Baked chicken, mashed sweet potatoes and salad. Simply perfect.

My mom asked me if I rather eat out after the show than eat at home.  I looked at her like she was crazy and told her that I basically “eat out” for 14 meals per week.  I’ll take home cooking any chance I can get!


My three favorite men, all with food in their mouth 🙂

Oh, and the other perk of going home?  Mom sends me back with lots of goodies!  Thanks, mom and dad!IMG_2979

Relaxing Sundays at home are the best for preparing me for a long week at school, and this one is guaranteed to me a stressful one- 3 tests and 1 quiz.  Eek!  At least I have some good food to get me through!

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