Fitness Friday: Spring Break.

Workouts this week haven’t been much different than they are other weeks, despite being home!  I made an effort to get to the local gym every afternoon, since the rest of my days were spent just chillin out, maxin, relaxin all cool…

Ahem, moving on.

Saturday:  30 minute HIIT bike ride (9 miles covered), followed by a triceps workout, which is detailed below.  Finished up with abs + push-ups, then five minutes on the stair master.  That machine KILLS me.

Sunday:  20 minutes on the bike, followed by a NTC workout.  I completed the Fast + Fierce workout, which is an advanced, 45 minute, Get Lean workout.  Whew, it was tough.  I made some modifications for my knee, which included a lot of squats and burpees. I finished with a 5 minute cool down on the bike.

Monday:  Rest.

Tuesday:  15 minute HIIT workout on the bike, 5 minutes incline walking on the treadmill, 5 minutes on the elliptical, 10 minutes HIIT on the bike.  Then a shoulder-back superset workout that left me feeling SORE.  Finished with abs + push-ups and a 5 minute cool down on the bike.

Wednesday:  15 minute HIIT workout on the bike, 5 minutes incline walking on the treadmill, 5 minutes on the elliptical, 5 minutes HIIT on the bike.  Then a chest-leg superset workout.  Finished with abs and 5 more minutes on the elliptical.

Thursday: 40 minutes of HIIT on the bike (50 seconds at speed 11, RPM 94+, and 10 seconds of slow biking), followed by 8 minutes on the elliptical.

Friday: 20 minutes of biking, 5 minutes incline walking on the treadmill, 5 minutes on the elliptical.  Then I did the same BodyPUMP inspired workout that I did last Friday!  It’s a good one.


For this week’s workout, I am sharing the triceps routine that I complete once a week.  It always leaves me sore from all of the isolated triceps exercises.

  • You’ll need dumbbells and a barbell (but you could use just dumbbells if that is all you have)
  • The numbers next to each exercise indicate the number of reps you should complete.
  • Complete 30 seconds of cardio (jumping jacks, simulated jump rope, high knees, butt kickers, mountain climbers) between each set to keep your heart rate up!Triceps1

If you are confused by any of these exercises, look to YouTube for guidance.  Here is a picture I found to demonstrate the bent over row with triceps kickback: (the sequence goes bottom left, top middle, bottom right)



Enjoy!!! And have a wonderful weekend 🙂

P.s.  The ads you see on the blog are NOT spam.  I added them as a way to bring a little extra mulla through the blog.  Thank you for your support!

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