
Hello there scarce readers out there and billions of spam bots trolling this website, it’s nice to be back here again. I think about writing here often, but then I don’t….so much time has passed so I feel all this pressure to go back to where I left off and that task feels insurmountable, so […]

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I’m Off Today

I’m off today, but the store is still open! Isn’t that pretty amazing? There was a loooong time there that I really thought this sort of day would never happen…where I can sit at home and get other things done (like reply to emails, work on other projects, and clean up the house) while someone […]

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Still Here

I won’t say it….I won’t say that I can’t believe it’s been so long since my last post and I never intended for that to happen. I won’t say that life has been busy and time just passes quickly. I won’t say it because I say that in every post so it would seem that […]

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Today is my day “off”, but with so much happening at work, it feels like anything but a day off. I have a few minutes right now to pop in and say hi, but then I will be off again with lots of things to do. It’s insane that it is the end of JUNE, […]

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Having the Stomach for This

Last night I asked Luis if he ever feels like he doesn’t have the stomach for having a business…he didn’t really understand what “having a stomach” for something meant, but he did adamantly push against the idea the we should give up on this baby business. Occasionaly, usually on Sunday nights, when my legs feel […]

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Hello there, world! It’s been quite some time since I’ve posted anything here, but I say that just about every time that I post anything. I think about posting almost every day, but I always feel that it’s been so long since I last posted that I get overwhelmed and tired just thinking about it […]

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Hello March.

Do you know what blows my mind? It’s been almost a year since our world got turned upside down. A year ago to this day, the world was buzzing witht this virus that was killing people and getting entire countries locked in quarantine. Here in Madrid, it was still a lot of talk. People were […]

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Forget Friends – These Are The Numbers You Really Need In Your Phone When You Move Abroad

Hi Everyone! Long time no talk, huh? I’ll be back soon, but in the meantime, checkout this collaborative post and as always, thanks for reading! __________________________________________________________ We all know that moving abroad can be stressful. Yes, it’s likely to be one of the most amazing experiences, but that doesn’t change the fact that moving to […]

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Just Saying Hi

Hello there, internet friends and creepys! *or is it creepies? It is 10:36 am and I woke up at exactly 10:01 am with the urge to finally sit down and write something here. I am likely going to keep it short and sweet because….I have a lot of drafts sitting here that resulted from me […]

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