
Hello there scarce readers out there and billions of spam bots trolling this website, it’s nice to be back here again. I think about writing here often, but then I don’t….so much time has passed so I feel all this pressure to go back to where I left off and that task feels insurmountable, so […]

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I’m Off Today

I’m off today, but the store is still open! Isn’t that pretty amazing? There was a loooong time there that I really thought this sort of day would never happen…where I can sit at home and get other things done (like reply to emails, work on other projects, and clean up the house) while someone […]

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Still Here

I won’t say it….I won’t say that I can’t believe it’s been so long since my last post and I never intended for that to happen. I won’t say that life has been busy and time just passes quickly. I won’t say it because I say that in every post so it would seem that […]

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Today is my day “off”, but with so much happening at work, it feels like anything but a day off. I have a few minutes right now to pop in and say hi, but then I will be off again with lots of things to do. It’s insane that it is the end of JUNE, […]

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Having the Stomach for This

Last night I asked Luis if he ever feels like he doesn’t have the stomach for having a business…he didn’t really understand what “having a stomach” for something meant, but he did adamantly push against the idea the we should give up on this baby business. Occasionaly, usually on Sunday nights, when my legs feel […]

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A Month y Pico Later

I always think about posting here- usually when it’s first thing in the morning and I have a ton of energy. It’s usually when I’m waiting for the bus in the morning and I think “when I get home tonight, I’m going to post!”. And then it’s nearly 13 hours later and I am completely […]

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A Tale of A Series Of Bad Turns

Hello fam!  But really, hello fam…Mom and Dad, my loyal readers.  I am checking in bright and early on Monday morning (not really bright and early…it’s almost 11 am) but I did wake up pretty early, unable to fall asleep because of DLST (which happened yesterday and REALLY put me into a panic when I […]

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Well hello there

….it’s been awhile, hasn’t it?  I am writing to your from the kitchen of my house in Philly (side note: I always find it strange when people say “at my parents house”…like this is not my home too.  It’s my house and always will be.  I guess if my parents moved one day I might […]

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Hello From My New Office

aka the extra sh!t room of the house.  For so long, Luis and I have been using this room to store boxes, Bruja’s Bakery and Mazál things, leave extra shoes, all the stupid papers we have to keep, while I have been using the living room as my “office” since Luis has been home working.  […]

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